En Primeur | Malbec | The Water Market
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En Primeur | Malbec

En Primeur | Malbec

Excluding GST/HST

Add on-site winery service +$50

A brilliant bouquet of dark fruits with subtle hints of oak, vanilla, and spices. Strong plum and berry flavours balanced by moderate tannins on the palate.

Food Pairings
Perfect with pasta and spicy sausage or BBQ chicken.

Juice: 14 Litres
Makes: 23 Litres (30 750ml bottles)
Ready to Bottle: 8 weeks
Aging: 8-12 months
Target ABV (approx): 14.5%
Region: Chile
Grape: Malbec
Grape Skins: GenuWine Winery Crushed Grape Skins
Fermenting your wine on GenuWine Winery Crushed Grape Skins will enhance the bouquet and contribute soft velvety tannins for a round, juicy mouthfeel.
Colour: Red
Oak: Medium
Body: Medium
Sweetness: Dry
Labels Included: No
Brewing Instructions (pdf)

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